Why Diets Fail – And What You Can Do About It?
It seems like you’ve already tried dieting. You have already tried joining a fitness center. You’ve resorted to buying frozen convenience foods and shake mixes. You have supplemented your diet with tablets. You have joined groups that provide you with weekly food deliveries or apps that assist you in keeping track of the calories you consume. You might have even resorted to buying fitness equipment shown on TV if you were really in a bind. All of which guarantee permanent weight loss. However, many people who successfully lose weight regain it within a year, often even more. What gives?
The number on the scale or the reflection in the mirror might make us feel horrible about ourselves. We keep telling ourselves that we need to lose weight, that we need to start exercising, or that we need to create yet another diet, but every time we attempt, it seems to fail even more quickly than the last. There’s a single word for this situation: Homeostasis. The truth is that your unconscious mind is resistant to change and won’t make any unless it has to. Eating less, exercising more, and losing weight is achievable if your conscious and subconscious intentions are in sync. A conflict arises when your intended goal is weight loss, but your subconscious desires to keep things the same.
The brain originally aimed to regulate the body’s autonomic nervous system. The brains of mammals and humans expanded in capacity as they evolved. We learned to communicate verbally, developed logic, reason, and mathematics, and finally built the elaborate civilization in which we now find ourselves. Those more complex mental operations are inherent to the human mind. Your conscious mind is constantly churning away in the background of your head, giving you directives and telling you what to do. It may believe itself to be incredibly savvy and essential, but it can only keep track of around seven to ten things at once. It is in charge of our short-term memory and our resolve, as well as our analytical thinking and our capacity for rationalization (i.e., lying to ourselves and others). The rational mind may think it runs the show, but we never lose touch with the subconscious processes that brought us here. Our subconscious is where all the true thinking happens.
Most of our daily activities, including our habits and addictions, long-term/permanent memory, and emotions, are all under our subconscious mind. Our conscious minds relax when we sleep, but our subconscious minds are still working and recording. Unlike the subconscious, it is not restricted to a list of only 7–10 things. The subconscious is like a young child’s mind in that it lacks the capacity for rational thought. It has no way of differentiating reality from fiction. The subconscious’s primary function is to ensure your survival; as a result, any attempt to alter the status quo is met with the powerful gravitational pull of homeostasis. There is one method available to the conscious mind for kickstarting transformation. Willpower is what’s needed. It will give you that extra push to go to the gym when you don’t feel like it or to stay on track with your diet when your brain tells you you’re hungry and want to eat. The subconscious mind and the gravitational pull of homeostasis are too strong to be overcome by sheer willpower. In contrast to the Harlem Globetrotters of the Subconscious Mind, Willpower is the Washington Generals. Even if the Generals play well for part of the game, you can predict who will win every time.
The critical factor is a barrier between conscious and unconscious thinking states. The role of the crucial element is to determine whether or not the incoming data is reliable. Do you think it’s good or bad?? All of your unconscious thoughts must pass through your critical factor. Since Critical is part of the conscious process, it can be ignored during information overload (when the mind can only concentrate on between seven and ten things at once). Marketers and advertisers capitalize on this knowledge in their ads and sales pitches. Marketing and sales keep a steady stream of ads at your most important filter. Subtle hints may cause you to switch to a different widget brand over time. This is also how hypnosis works, however it is considerably more effective than constant advertising because the hypnotist may entirely bypass the crucial aspect.
Clients who use hypnosis to lose weight see excellent results. Our parents may have given us inappropriate advice when we were younger, such as encouraging us to eat everything on our plates. That made sense when you were five, and there wasn’t much on your plate, but these days, when dishes are supersized, it implies you’ve consumed the equivalent of an entire day’s worth of calories in one sitting. Your subconscious mind must be reset if it still follows the old directive. Childhood trauma and negative role models are not the only possible causes of adult obesity. Eating for emotional reasons, such as boredom, loneliness, or stress, is also possible. This is not the result of a single meal; instead, it is the cumulative effect of eating an extra 200 calories per day, the equivalent of one modest snack, year after year.
Clinical hypnotherapist Sheila Granger from the UK learned of a new method hypnotists use to aid in weight loss called the Virtual Gastric Band. Sheila was intrigued by the idea, so she built software around it. What if your brain falsely concluded that you had a lap band operation when you never had one? It’s mental theater if you will. In hypnosis, you visit a hospital and meet with your doctors to prepare for this made-up operation. The operating room sounds, doctors conversing, and heart monitors beeping fill your head as you are wheeled into the operating theater. Keep in mind that your unconscious mind does not make the distinction between reality and fantasy. After using the product, customers often feel they can’t eat as much as before.
The first session of Sheila’s Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Program simulates the actual surgery, while the subsequent three sessions focus on training your brain to feel full and satisfied on considerably lesser amounts of food. Her success rate in helping clients shed pounds is through the roof, with 95% of them doing so. On average, you should expect to lose roughly 7 pounds in the first week and 1 to 2 pounds per week afterward. In January of this year, I went to one of her training classes and tested her methods on some test subjects, all of whom lost weight (one group lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks, while another group lost weight even after we stopped meeting together). Changing your food and increasing your exercise is helpful if you want to lose weight, but it may not stick unless you also work on aligning your subconscious with your conscious goals.
Hypnotist David Allen holds certifications from the National Guild of Hypnotists and the Society for Applied Hypnosis. Hypnosis for weight loss is his specialty at the clinic he runs in Sunnyvale, California.
Please get in touch with us if you have any questions:
Hypnosis Clinic of Sunnyvale
At 121 West Washington Street.
Suite 215
Postal Code: 94086
(408) 331-9116
or pay us a virtual visit at.
Read also: https://booklysis.com/category/fitness/