Overcome the World and Find Rest Through Your Covenants With God
Through your covenants with God, find relief from life’s intensity, unpredictability, and anguish through His peace. It is not just physical relaxation or happiness — rather, it is knowing that you lived with your Heavenly Father before this life began and will live with Him again after this life ends.
1. Seek First the Kingdom of God
Jesus encouraged believers in His Sermon on the Mount to place God’s kingdom first and foremost through transforming perspective, commitment to its principles, and developing intimate relations with Him. Living this way was challenging and rewarding – it could change your outlook!
At the time of Jesus’ ministry, many individuals would have experienced financial and social inequality that worried them about providing for their families and future livelihoods. His response to their concerns was to emphasize spiritual matters over temporal ones – He encouraged His disciples to first seek God’s kingdom and righteousness before their own material needs.
Seeking God’s kingdom begins by cultivating an active, engaging relationship with Him through prayer and meditation. Trusting in His provision for our physical and spiritual needs as we align our actions with His principles is vital, as is being faithful stewards of all that He has bestowed us with regarding time, talent, and finances.
As you seek His kingdom, you will discover He is good. He’s an understanding and caring Father who provides for those who love Him; He knows our desires and has promised that if we pursue Him with all our hearts, He won’t abandon us!
As soon as you focus on seeking God’s kingdom, you will find relief and strength from this world. God promises,’ seek His kingdom and righteousness; all these things shall be added unto you.” Therefore, don’t give up your faith! Instead, make His Kingdom your top priority and trust in Him for strength.
2. Trust in the Lord
Trust in God and rest easy, knowing he will provide for all your needs and bless you abundantly, according to Psalm 37:3-5. He will also grant your heart’s desires – providing both safe pastures! Finding rest through trusting in him is the key to finding rest in this chaotic world.
The world would have us believe that possessions, popularity, and pleasures will bring happiness, but these things only provide temporary satisfaction. Surrendering yourself entirely to God and obeying His Word will bring long-term joy and a feeling of completeness; only then can spiritual work begin that can help raise you above the fallen nature of this fallen world.
Each person must make this choice independently; only through the Holy Spirit can we understand this truth and accept it in our hearts. Once we grasp that God loves us all and has plans for our lives – with His power behind everything He does – trust can begin to be placed in Him.
One of Jesus’ earliest disciples, Paul, taught believers to trust the Lord. While knowing life would be hard and their bodies would eventually fail them, Paul assured his fellow Christians that everything God allowed was ultimately for our good. When you begin doubting His goodness or have doubts in your faith journey, remember He never changes and never will; He has always been faithful in the past and always will be in the future – take comfort in that truth today!
3. Trust in Your Covenants
Trusting in our covenants is crucial because there is more to this life than what happens on Earth. When overwhelmed by its intensity, uncertainty, and anguish, it is helpful to remember that before this life, we lived with God (Jeremiah 1:5); through Christ, we will one day live with Him again (John 17). Therefore, your testimony must remain strong by becoming righteous individuals who choose Christ over this fallen world. Praying can help Heavenly Father understand your seriousness about overcoming it by asking Him for guidance and spending more time at the temple – learning from its ordinances and how the temple teaches us how to rise above this fallen world!
Overcoming the world doesn’t guarantee our problems will miraculously vanish or that mistakes won’t still be made; instead, our resistance to sin will increase while our hearts soften as we begin loving God and His Son above anything or anyone else.
That means being open to following the promptings of the Spirit even when they conflict with our desires, grieving with those who mourn, and comforting those in need, doing all those things which “the natural man would not do;” doing such actions (keeping our covenants) will bring rest as we move closer toward God’s promise land.
4. Trust in the Power of the Holy Spirit
God makes His power available to every believer through the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised would serve as their guide, teacher, seal of salvation, and comforter (John 14:16-18). Through covenants with Him, we can find strength to overcome the world.
The Spirit is also our source of new life in Christ. When we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, He works through the work of the Holy Spirit to lead us to faith and salvation (John 3:6; Ephesians 2:8-9). Believers also depend upon this presence for guidance as they carry out Christ’s mission in this world – look at Pentecost, where tongues of fire appeared so disciples could preach in multiple languages (Acts 1:8; 2:1-4).
After salvation, the Holy Spirit dwells within all believers (Romans 8:9) and imparts knowledge about all that is to come, known and unseen. Additionally, He helps believers cope with weakness by interceding for them and on their behalf – the Spirit is God equal with Father and Son (John 16:7).
Although Christians believe in the Holy Spirit and His wondrous works, many struggle with trusting Him. Instead, many view Him as their genie or dream-fulfilled, forgetting that He is God Himself who made all things. Upon encountering His presence, promptings, teaching, and gifts, we can know with certainty that we are His children.
5. Let Go of Control
Concentrating on what is within your control will make life much less uncertain and allow you to enjoy those small moments of peace that life provides.
Your resilience will also increase, making you better equipped to adapt to life’s changes and adapt more smoothly to life as it unfolds. When you let life take its course without fighting it, the universe will shower its blessings upon you unexpectedly.
Control is often seen as a form of fear. This desire often stems from anxiety, inability to trust others, low self-esteem, or perfectionism – whatever its source and willingness to control it must be addressed with professional assistance so you can understand its origin and ways of overcoming it.
To help you learn to give up control, start by identifying what lies within and outside your control. This will give you a clear picture of where to release power – enabling you to approach situations differently than you did previously.
For instance, if you find yourself trying to influence how others perceive you, stop immediately! Doing this will only add stress and misery. Instead, focus on managing those parts of yourself that fall under your control, such as behaviors and actions – this simple framework will allow you to identify what does and doesn’t fall within your domain and let you dedicate more energy and resources toward fighting battles you can win!