Five Do’s and Don’ts for Kicking the Habit


How long have you been attempting to kick the habit? Having trouble breaking the habit? Do you believe you are too dependent on nicotine to give up smoking? Do you plan on taking harmful medications like Chantix to kick the habit?

In reality, it’s not hard at all to kick or alter any habit. Furthermore, smoking is an addiction regardless of what anyone has told you. Your problem can be traced back to habitual rituals and routines.

In a nutshell, your mind has made the connection that when condition x occurs, condition y (smoking) always follows. Your mind is now programmed to automatically engage in smoking behavior in response to the occurrence of x, where x can range from the consumption of a single beverage to the occurrence of a major life event. That’s all there is to it. You have brainwashed yourself into thinking a certain thing is correct and essential.

What about the reality of the situation? Why light up with every beverage you consume? Coffee, alcohol, whatever. Do you think so?

Do you really need to light up a cigarette to process significant life changes? Do you think so?

If you’ve already come to the conclusion that quitting smoking is unnecessary, you’re well on your way. If you have been smoke-free for any length of time at all, you have already established your capability. So how do you get from “almost there” to “I quit”? This simple method can be the answer to your problem. As I’ve helped countless people over the years, I can attest to its efficacy.

Make smoking a conscious act by modifying your routines and bringing awareness to the process. If you find yourself reaching for a cigarette, stop and ask yourself why. Don’t let anyone in the home or car catch you lighting up, and put out your smokes. This will make you more conscious of your cravings for cigarettes.

The Initial D: Holdoff

Before lighting up, be sure it’s not too late. Then, give yourself at least ten to thirty minutes of smoke-free time. If I still wanted a smoke after 10 minutes, I told myself I could have one. After that, I continued on with my day. Frequently, I would look at my watch and see that at least 30 minutes had elapsed. Depending on how much I wanted a cigarette, I’d light one now or give it 10 more minutes. I eventually stopped lighting up while watching movies. I wouldn’t rush into anything till the credits rolled. Similarly, if I were enjoying a quality television program. On and on it would go. It’s simple, and you already do it every time you enter a smoke-free area.

Distraction is the second “D.”

The coordinates well with the letter “D.” Delaying your cigarette allows you to engage in an activity of your choosing instead, such as finishing a movie, reading a good book, going for a run, or any other options. If you want to quit smoking, you may give yourself a goal of walking around the block instead of lighting up. Distraction is the process of showing your mind that there are alternatives to how it usually deals with stress or social situations. Do what you can to enrich your life with something you enjoy doing.

Breathing Deeply, the Third D

The nicotine in cigarettes can be replaced by the oxygen in a deep breath, which can then be sent to the brain. Relax your body and mind by breathing normally and imagining the oxygen traveling to every part of your body, from your blood to your cells to your brain. It’s easy to picture the cells feeling refreshed and revitalized after taking in so much oxygen. Every time you have a cigarette craving, give yourself around 30 seconds to do this.

Consume Only Purified Water (4th D)

The detoxification process begins as soon as you decide to stop smoking. It’s crucial that you give your body every assistance it can throughout this cleansing phase. If you drink lots of filtered water, your body can wash out the toxins, making it much simpler to give up cigarettes. If you purge your body of the toxins holding you back, you’ll be much closer to your goal. Also, don’t forget to use a water filter. You shouldn’t be adding more chemicals to your body if you’re trying to detox it.

De-hypnotize; this is the fifth D.

The rubber meets the road at this point. Years of self-talk about how you’re “hooked” and “addicted” to smoking have convinced you that keeping the habit is necessary. You must now De-hypnotize yourself if you are serious about giving up this habit.

And the first step is to pay attention to how you use language. Words have hidden meanings because your subconscious takes them literally. Learn when to use the word “try” and when not to use it. When you hear the word “try,” you can’t help but want to keep trying. You may look at it this way: if you haven’t done it before, it’s likely that you’ll fail when you do it. Basically, you should “try” to take a deep breath. You either do it or you don’t, and that goes double for breathing. The same applies to tying shoelaces. Do you ever think, “I’ll try to tie my shoelaces today”? instead of “I’m going to tie my shoelaces,” perhaps. Observe the dissimilarity! So, stop saying you’re going to quit smoking and just do it.

The word “should” also causes us problems. Using this term, we put ourselves in a parental role, telling ourselves what to do. This suggests that we have no choice, at least if we’re decent human beings, and this is, at best, unsettling.

Learning to recognize the language you use while discussing cigarettes and making adjustments to that language to give yourself agency will prove fruitful.

You may tell yourself, “I have the option of smoking right now or smoking in 30 minutes.”

Using this kind of language will help you start to conceive of yourself as more than just a former smoker. A person who smokes is forced to do so. Addiction drives them to continue lighting up. A person who does not often smoke can decide whether or not to light up. Don’t complicate things any further than necessary; give yourself an option.

By telling yourself positive things over and over again, including “I can and will do this,” “I have a choice in this matter,” and “I am a non-smoker,” you may overcome your addiction to nicotine and lead a healthier, happier life. Keep in mind that you have complete control over how long this procedure takes. This affects your very existence and health. Pick the path that will lead you to your ideal life.

What you give your attention to today will shape your tomorrow.

Let fascinating new experiences into your life. Start again with your life right now!

Give yourself a chance to make the changes you’ve been hoping for, even if you don’t think you can, don’t think you deserve to be happy, are too far into the agony, or just need a checkup.

If you need help, feel free to get in touch with me. To contact me, please send an email, and I will answer as soon as I can.

Best wishes and rest,


As an added bonus, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of []’s ebook, Introduction to Energy Work. You can also reach me at (850) 725-6400 or through my website, []. I can also be reached via email at [email protected]. I’m excited to meet you and learn more about you.

Sharon Routledge, MA, CH, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

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