The Case Against Continuing Diabetes Medication
Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to severe complications, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, renal failure, neuropathy (nerve damage), gastrointestinal issues, blindness, and infections.
These illnesses often have catastrophic consequences.
Consequently, it makes sense to take medication to control your diabetes.
That is not true… and there are many good reasons why.
Medication for diabetes improves survival.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported in December 2014 that no diabetes medication administered by a doctor had been proven to save the life of a diabetic. There is no evidence that they protect against diabetes-related problems such as heart disease, stroke, renal failure, nerve damage, blindness, or the need for amputations.
Having a high blood glucose level does not mean that you have diabetes. They are indicators of diabetes but not the condition itself. The issue is that diabetes medication only works to control blood sugar levels rather than curing the disease. However, excessive blood glucose levels seldom cause death.
Drugs for diabetes don’t help them, but they eventually die of diabetes-related complications such as heart disease, stroke, renal failure, and severe infections.
In 2016, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a meta-study titled Comparison of Clinical Outcomes and Adverse Events Associated with Glucose-lowering Drugs in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, which found that patients with type 2 diabetes who took diabetes medications did not have a higher chance of survival.
Strokes and heart attacks were still occurring despite taking the medications. The overall death rate for these patients did not decrease either.
The research compared nine different types of diabetes medications versus a placebo. Before reaching their conclusions, the researchers looked at almost 300 randomized clinical trials, including about 120,000 participants.
Problems with diabetes medication
Diabetes medications carry serious risks.
The cardiovascular system can react negatively, and it can cause flu-like symptoms and dizziness. They’ve been connected to gastrointestinal distress, blood loss, and fatigue. Furthermore, these medications can result in dangerously low blood glucose levels in diabetics.
Unfortunately, many individuals take multiple medications at once, sometimes at the recommendation of their family doctor or a diabetes clinic.
However, this combination of medications raises mortality rates rather than decreasing them.
Intense efforts to lower blood glucose with medicines resulted in a 22% greater probability of death from all causes, according to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2008 (Effects of Intensive Glucose Lowering in Type 2 Diabetes). Heart disease fatalities increased by 35%, according to the same study.
Next steps?
Diabetic reversal
Unless your diabetes is quite advanced, you shouldn’t use these medications. Your diabetes can be reversed via dietary changes, with or without additional activity.
Diabetes is a lifelong condition that cannot be reversed once it has set in. When I say you can change your diabetes, what I mean is that you can prevent or delay the development of serious complications associated with the disease.
The diabetes-reversing diet is straightforward. It just takes a little self-control.
Foods that are (1) low in sugar, (2) low in fat, (3) low in salt, (4) high in fiber, and (5) absorbed slowly can help reverse type 2 diabetes. Focusing on whole, unprocessed, plant-based foods is the most straightforward approach. Water is essential, as is eliminating dairy and eggs from your diet.
Type 2 diabetes results from fat preventing glucose from binding to receptors on muscle cells, leading to an imbalance between the digestive process’ glucose and the pancreas’ insulin. Insulin resistance describes this health problem.
The fat-restrictive diet is effective because your muscle cells will no longer have excess fat blocking their receptors after a month or so.
Reversing diabetes involves removing obstacles to insulin’s ability to open receptors so that glucose may be transported from the bloodstream into cells.
Moderate physical activity, such as walking, gardening, swimming, dancing, and so on, is recommended in addition to the diabetes-fighting diet. This will encourage your muscle cells to take in your blood’s glucose (energy) and put it to good use.
The diet for diabetes victory can also be supplemented in other ways:
Magnesium D3
Pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes have both been linked to insufficient vitamin D3. Most people are deficient in vitamin D, unfortunately.
Chinese researchers found that even a slight lack of vitamin D3 can increase the risk of diabetes by more than 90% in a study published in January 2013 in Cardiovascular Diabetology and titled Lipoprotein lipase links vitamin D, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional epidemiological study.
So, how does one increase vitamin D3 consumption?
If you wear swimming suits (even in the winter) and the sun is indeed shining (a rarity where I live), you can receive enough vitamin D3 by standing around for about 10 minutes daily in the midday sun.
Oily fish (tuna, sardines, mackerel, and salmon), free-range eggs, grass-fed cattle, liver, and dairy products are additionally good sources of vitamin D. However, if you want to succeed in reversing your diabetes, you should stay away from these meals because they are incredibly high in fat.
Therefore, diabetics may consider taking a vitamin D3 supplement to ensure they get the recommended daily amount. A daily intake of 8,000 IU (international units) is suggested.
The tropical guava fruit’s leaves, stems, and flesh (but not the skins) inhibit carbohydrate digestion, lowering blood sugar levels. The risk of developing insulin resistance is reduced, and diabetics’ blood sugar levels are improved when peeled guava is consumed regularly.
If you regularly access fresh guava, you should incorporate it into your diet. In any case, dried guava leaves may be purchased at most health food stores or online. It’s recommended that you drink at least one cup every day.
The trace mineral vanadium can mimic insulin’s effects.
Vanadium helps transport blood glucose into muscle cells and inhibits glucose absorption from the intestine, lowering blood glucose and insulin levels.
The average blood glucose level of diabetics who took vanadium supplements daily reduced by 10% in just three weeks, according to a study documented in Rare Earth: Forbidden Cures, a book released in 1994.
Vanadium is valuable and can be used as a supplement (500 mcg thrice daily), although…
Do not take more than 10mg daily.
The roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark of many medicinal plants, including barberry, tree turmeric, Oregon grape, goldenseal, yellowroot, Chinese goldthread, prickly poppy, and Californian poppy, contain the plant component berberine.
It wasn’t until the 1980s that Chinese medical professionals learned that berberine could restore blood sugar levels. This is achieved by enhancing cellular glucose breakdown, decreasing insulin resistance, and reducing sugar synthesis in the liver.
One 500mg pill with meals twice or thrice daily will help you control your blood sugar levels.
Please talk with your doctor or a member of the diabetic clinic staff before discontinuing any prescription diabetes medications, as the writer of this article is not a medical doctor.
Type 2 diabetes affects Paul D. Kennedy. About seven years ago, he stopped using drugs to regulate his blood glucose levels, having used his expertise as an international consultant and researcher to establish a solution to control his diabetes with nutrition alone. Visit or email Paul at [email protected] to learn more. Beating Diabetes, his book is available on Amazon as a Kindle e-book and a paperback. You can also purchase a hard copy from the Create Space online bookstore.
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