How to Show Appreciation in Business Through Thank-You Notes
I remember learning about “Thank you notes” when I was five. My teen cousin recently gave me the best present ever for my birthday: a fluffy, gray and white teddy bear. My cousin, who could not make it to my birthday celebration, gave me this bundle of joy, and she has no idea how happy it has made me.
My grandmother, a woman who could have quickly succeeded “Ms. Manners,” soon after suggested that I compose a letter of gratitude. I politely said, “May I phone my cousin to thank her?” “Yes,” she said, “Right after you write her this thank you note.” (When my grandma was there, I could never cut corners.)
My first experience sitting down to compose a letter of gratitude was a challenging one. Instead, I’d spend time with my beloved stuffed animal rather than struggling to put words on paper. My grandma provided some inspiration, and from there, the note of gratitude practically wrote itself.
The recipe as she described it was as follows: a) Express gratitude and explain why it’s warranted in writing; b) Customize the note to the gift giver; c) Describe how the gift has affected you emotionally; d) Make a personal connection between the gift and the giver; e) Thank the giver again; f) Conclude with any parting thoughts (e.g., best wishes); and g) Sign off with a warm expression of affection.
I can’t quote the exact words from the thank-you email I received, but this comes very close:
A.R., Arlene
Your birthday present was immensely appreciated. When I first saw the teddy bear, I did a happy dance. I will make him my best friend and bring him everywhere, even to the baseball game.
I hope you didn’t miss my birthday party because of work. When I meet you again, we may take the bear for a spin. Once again, I appreciate your kindness. ((My grandmother suggested I use this fancy word.)) To put it simply, I long for our next encounter.
Love, Andy
I was only five years old when I wrote the letter, so it’s not exactly on par with anything written by Ernest Hemingway or F. Scott Fitzgerald. (My writing skills have developed somewhat.) The letter’s compilation was noteworthy because it highlighted the significance of expressing gratitude to people in a heartfelt way for acts of kindness, attention, and charity.
I’ve benefited professionally from writing thank-you notes. Our sincere appreciation for their business is always communicated to them accurately and honestly. In return, the consumer values the demonstration of gratitude shown in a handwritten message of appreciation. Giving someone this kind of token of appreciation strengthens the bond between them and you.
Those who run businesses but don’t send out thank-you notes regularly are missing out. Perhaps they need to start thinking like customers. I hope the company will treat me respectfully when I am in the customer’s shoes. Even if the employer isn’t overly demonstrative in their gratitude, hearing “thank you” would make my day.
Isn’t this what we’d all like to achieve in our private life? Don’t we all long to hear those two simple words when we hold the door for someone: “Thank you”? Do we not want a “Thank you” when we leave a restaurant after picking up our food? Indeed, we are programmed to believe that saying “thank you” after going out of our way to help another person is an acceptable form of payment.
It takes more time and effort to write a business letter than it does to say “thank you.” Say “thank you” with sincerity if you intend to say it. And you really ought to!) Customers will be much more impressed with written content than verbal content since they understand the extra effort that went into creating it. Since receiving a handwritten note of thanks is so uncommon, it tends to stick out in the minds of the recipients.
Please keep the following guidelines in mind while writing business thank you cards and letters, my fellow entrepreneurs:
1) They play a significant role in establishing professional connections. The effort to write company thank you notes will be more than repaid. Customers who receive them are more likely to continue patronizing your company because of the positive impression you leave. Since most customers don’t expect to receive (m)any, any gesture of gratitude will be particularly memorable.
2) Always be sincere in your business thank-you notes. A thank-you note should come from the heart.
Thirdly, the character of handwritten letters is more intimate. Sending a handwritten note is preferable to sending a generic one.
4) If you are pressed for time and can’t send a handwritten or typed business, thank you note, an email would suffice. Any expression of gratitude is preferable to none at all.
5) A business thank you note need not be a novel. In general, they are brief and to the point. (Some customers might not appreciate or have the time to read lengthy expressions of gratitude.)
Sixth, you shouldn’t be sloppy when writing business thank you cards; they should be carefully prepared. A customer will not be impressed by a note full of typos and grammatical mistakes.
7) They must be printed on professional-grade paper using your company’s official stationery. Again, a good impression should be left on the buyer.
8) Send company thank-you notes without delay. For instance, if a new client creates an association with your business, you should express your gratitude as soon as possible. Do not wait weeks before expressing appreciation for the customer’s business. (You can thank people whenever you choose, but the first note should go out immediately.)
Business thank-you cards should be proofread before being sent. This guarantees that the “final product” will meet or exceed expectations and please buyers.
Ten) Narrow your focus, give examples, and stay on topic. You should avoid going about how you feel and how grateful you are. Thank you notes from a business are not the same as those from a personal relationship.
The following is my tried-and-true formula for writing a professional letter (in this case, a letter of gratitude to a new client for utilizing your product or service):
Include your motivation for writing the note and your feelings of gratitude.
Provide concrete examples of how the partnership will benefit both parties.
Don’t try to upsell, but mention that you’ll be available if they have any questions in the future. Tell the difference between a business thank you message and a sales letter. (An individual sales letter might be sent to clients subsequently.)
Business thank-you notes are an excellent way to gain the undying devotion of patrons. Companies with a reputation for being polite and sensitive to their customer’s needs are likelier to retain and attract new customers.
Get started writing and observe the results. If things work out well, you can send me a professional thank-you message for the reminder.
IntelliCollect, where Andy Lax works as an Account Manager, is a merchant services company that greatly values its current and prospective clients. Please visit this link if you need credit card processing services and are looking for a reputable, cost-effective provider.
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