How to Say Shut Up in Spanish


Learning a foreign language means knowing all of its idiomatic expressions – especially for requests such as asking someone else to stop talking! When speaking a new language is critical when communicating in everyday situations. Knowing all possible phrases to say things, such as asking someone else to stop talking, should come naturally over time.

There are various ways of asking someone to be quiet in Spanish, but not all are appropriate or polite. Here are some common expressions:


There are various ways of saying shut up in Spanish, depending on the context and tone of voice. For instance, in formal settings, you may wish to employ more formal expressions while talking to friends or relatives. It may be appropriate to use more casual terms.

Callate is one of the easiest ways to tell someone they should remain quiet, often used in formal settings such as schools and workplaces, theaters, or cinemas; sometimes, this phrase is followed up with words denoting anger or contempt, such as Maldita or whore.

Spanish for “shut up” can also be expressed using the phrase, cierra la boca. This more aggressive form of asking someone to be quiet can often be heard when one becomes annoyed or frustrated with those speaking; therefore, it should only be used sparingly and carefully.

Quedes silencio or queda en silencio is another way to request silence in Spanish and may be used more politely than other methods; often used in formal settings like schools or work environments, but it may also be employed at movie theaters and concert halls where it may be needed for viewing, including when the need for silence arises. When coupled with other words that convey anger (such as Maldita or whore), this phrase may become more effective at getting people’s attention.

When someone needs to be quieter, you can ask: “Porque no estas silencio?” or “What are you doing about silencio?” It’s an informal way of asking someone to be silent while still being more polite than saying: “Close your mouth!” or Collate.” However, this phrase should only be used with people you have close ties with, as it could offend strangers or people in authority roles.

Cierra la boca

Learning a foreign language can be tricky, mainly when speaking to strangers you don’t know well. Knowing how to pronounce and tone specific phrases correctly is incredibly challenging. Yet, you can say “Shut Up in Spanish ” in numerous ways that can be used across various situations.

One common way of telling someone to shut up is using the phrase collate (which translates as “close your mouth”). It can be used formally and casually; however, professional settings should avoid its inappropriate usage as it could be rude.

One alternative to collate is “Cierra la boca,” which translates to “close your mouth.” Although less aggressive, this phrase is a strong and forceful command that should only be used carefully and cautiously.

Silencio is an alternative form of asking for more formal and respectful silence, often used in school or work settings and when speaking to strangers who require respect.

Callarse is the verb at the heart of these phrases, meaning to remain quiet. You can use this verb in both present and past tense when asking someone else to be quiet; Cielo, on the other hand, is used for talking about past events.

For extra formal situations, you could also use “guarda silencio,” which translates to “keep silent.” This term can help show respect when speaking to strangers; its more polite version, silencio, should usually only be reserved for acquaintances.


Silence is a powerful word with multiple interpretations across cultures. Experiences with silence can have profoundly positive impacts on mental health. Silence can play an integral part in improving productivity to simply enhancing mood. Knowing how to say Silencio in Spanish will allow more accessible communication with Spanish-speaking friends and colleagues.

There are multiple ways of asking someone to be quiet in Spanish. One option is called an imperative form of callers; however, this may come across as aggressive or demanding and can only address one person at once; to address multiple people at once, you should use challenge instead.

An informal way of asking someone to be quiet is cerrar la boca, though this expression might not be suitable in formal settings or among those in positions of authority. Furthermore, this expression can be somewhat aggressive to others you don’t know well.

If you want to be more formal, an alternative way of asking people to remain quiet would be sigue silencio. This subtle phrase can often be found in academic environments and is excellent if you wish to stay polite but still convey your point effectively.

If you are studying or working in education, sigue silencio should become part of your vocabulary. This informal term means “keep quiet” and should be used when dealing with students or employees who make excessive noise in class. As well as when dealing with student or employee behavior that does not comply with an employer directive, the method can also be applied in other instances, such as when someone disobeys. Sigue silencio is an informal and non-threatening way of asking for silence, making it ideal for students or employees in educational or administrative fields. Additionally, this phrase serves as an opportunity to acknowledge those keeping silent during important events or meetings – especially during key sessions! Silence is a crucial asset in any workplace environment, so knowing how to request more of it will enhance relationships among employees more productively.

?Por que no te callas?

Using the interrogative form “callar” may come across as rude or aggressive in specific contexts, so you may wish to refrain from doing so in particular scenarios. But callar can also effectively convey your frustration with someone who won’t stop talking; for example, if your friend keeps discussing his new relationship status too frequently, then saying:?Porque no te callas?” could let them know you are tired of hearing his constant chatter about her!

Chiton is another way to say “shh!” in Spanish and is generally reserved for one person – such as yourself! However, this form may come off as harsher if asking others in your group or family to keep quiet.

To be even more sarcastic, try saying, “Por que no?” This common insulting expression can also help convey your disapproval of someone and vent frustration and disappointment with them.

Selecting an appropriate register when saying shut up in Spanish is crucial to ensuring your message is understood and communicated efficiently. Utilizing inappropriate expressions could come across as rude or disdainful in formal situations and strain relationships with listeners. To avoid miscommunication and misunderstandings in Spanish, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with its various idioms and registers. Doing this allows you to select an appropriate response in any given situation. Avoid miscommunication and foster strong connections within the Spanish-speaking community by learning Spanish through Forvo Academy’s interactive online learning platform! From expanding vocabulary to mastering grammar, Forvo’s immersive experience can help you gain deeper insight into Spanish. Visit our website now to start your free trial!