Harlequin Crested Gecko


Harlequin crested geckos are fascinating creatures to keep and care for, boasting distinctive coloration and friendly temperaments while being simple to maintain. Best way to find the Geckos for sale.

These snakes feature dark bodies with yellow or cream-mottled striping that may appear white on their sides, legs, and tails – these spots are known as pattern regions.

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Crested geckos have become popular pet choices due to their endearing personalities, affordable cost, and unique colorations. Furthermore, their easy care requirements make them suitable for both experienced reptile enthusiasts and newcomers to reptile ownership. On average, these animals typically live 8-10 years in nature.

The Harlequin Crest Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus) is one of the more striking variations of this species, distinguished by a primary color covering most of the body and an eye-catching contrast pattern on both head and dorsal area. Background colors could range from red, orange, yellow, cream, or brown with tiger-banded spots and tiger-banded Dalmatian pinstriped patterns on its surface.

These lizards are native to New Caledonia, an island group in the South Pacific. They prefer forest habitats with sunlight and shade for shelter and live in warm, humid conditions; therefore, a high-quality terrarium or vivarium should be utilized to ensure their comfort and well-being.

The ideal terrarium should include various branches and decor that encourage climbing for optimal results. Use substrates such as reptile carpet, coconut husk fiber, or cypress mulch and keep humidity between 50-80%; shallow water dishes may help provide some hydration; however, they should never serve as the sole source of drinking water. Some keepers opt for using a drier, sand-like substrate, which enhances gecko’s colors, while others give their habitats more naturalistic appeal with dark mulched surfaces like reptile carpet, coconut husk fiber, or cypress mulch to provide a more natural look, allowing the geckos to climb freely within their environment.

Crested geckos are omnivorous animals, and captive specimens should receive a diet of insects and plant matter. Commercial crested gecko diets contain powder mixes which must be mixed with water before offering a complete nutritionally dense meal for these lizards in captivity; additional fresh fruits, vegetables, and crickets/dubia cockroaches may be provided to ensure enough variety; their exact diet will vary with season; crested geckos may consume more insects when more readily available during warmer months when insects become available in abundance.


Crested gecko’s health and welfare depend heavily on their environment, such as tank or habitat conditions, water quality, temperature, light levels, humidity levels, supplemental feeding needs, and mental stress. A diet rich in vitamin D and calcium is vital to their well-being; without it, they could develop metabolic bone disease (MBD). MBD results from being unable to absorb these essential minerals properly by the body, leading to weight loss, lethargy, and muscle weakness as symptoms.

Crested geckos can become susceptible to various illnesses and infections, most notably bacteria-based. Pyoparasis is one such infection; this occurs when the Pseudomonas parasite infects the intestinal tract, resulting in diarrhea and other digestive issues, including malnutrition. However, this condition is easily avoidable by giving appropriate medication and keeping their enclosure clean.

Crested geckos may suffer from illnesses threatening their well-being, such as metabolic bone disease, skeletal deformities, skin ulcers, and parasites. One way to diagnose such conditions is to inspect their belly for dark colors; these indicate an infestation with parasites, which can be treated using warm water and soap baths.

The Harlequin crested gecko is a unique visual treat. Originating as part of the flame morph, this variety features more pattern along its lower laterals and limbs than with standard extreme Harleys (75% of sides covered with the practice are required for classification as powerful), although some breeders need even higher coverage to call their geckos “extreme.”

Other crested geckos include the lily white and xanthic crested gecko, distinguished by their white and cream coloration that stands out among their dappled patterns. Lilly white crested geckos result from two recessive genes and can usually be predicted statistically; however, their color can have significant implications depending on whether their parents breed hime whites or heart axanthics for offspring to come out lily-white or heart xanthic.


Reptiles like to live in environments that meet certain specifications; an ideal habitat requires temperatures ranging between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit and breathable substrate like reptile carpet or coconut husk fiber, along with misting systems and shallow bowls to bathe in, along with several hiding places and water dishes for misting or bathing purposes and an environment with humidity between 65%-80% – misting twice or three times per day can help maintain appropriate levels.

Crested geckos are nocturnal species and should be kept in an environment that mimics their natural surroundings, including trees, shrubs, and plants like flowering bushes. Furthermore, their cage must contain branches for climbing purposes and hiding spaces to provide protection from predators.

Harlequin crested geckos can be found in many color combinations and patterns, such as flame and tiger morphs. These beautiful geckos feature dark base colors with cream, white, or yellow harlequin markings, which “light up” when excited or communicating with other lizards–almost like fireworks displays!

Other harlequin-based morphs include the mocha and lavender crested gecko. The mocha gecko has dusty tan coloring with light cream markings; when excited, it may change into deep brown, chocolate, or golden toffee tones and darken further when heated up. Sexers frequently prefer this particular morph due to its distinct male traits like hemipenal bulges, visible pores, or femoral pads on its legs – which come together beautifully in this morph.

Breeding harlequin crested geckos requires pairing male and female geckos together to produce offspring with this pattern. When selecting gecko pairs for breeding purposes, ensure both are healthy, understand their care requirements, and understand all responsibilities associated with breeding them.

The Harlequin crested gecko is a beautiful and charismatic reptile that makes an excellent pet for animal lovers. With its strikingly vibrant colors, patterned body, and distinctive crest, it stands out among its counterparts; but, like all reptiles, a harlequin crested gecko should only be handled gently and in small doses to reduce stress levels and become comfortable with being handled; over time this species should learn to enjoy this kind of interaction as they adapt more. Handling can also provide insights into health issues such as thin skinning or excessive scratching issues that might require medical intervention or monitoring; by doing this process, you can assess possible issues like thinned skin or excessive scratching.


Harlequin crested geckos are considered low-maintenance pets compared to other reptiles; however, you will still require time spent feeding and cleaning their habitat. They need regular veterinary examinations to detect any health issues; Harlequin crested geckos have an extended lifespan, making them suitable pets for those looking for long-term commitments.

Crested geckos tend to be friendly pets that respond well to handling. They recognize familiar faces and respond well when touched, though excessive handling could potentially stress and stress out their bodies, potentially resulting in health problems.

Crested geckos require an environment that promotes bioactivity. You must provide their terrarium with plants, rocks, and wood and moisture-retaining such as a moss mat or similar substrate to maintain moisture levels and monitor humidity with a hygrometer before misting it several times daily to create such an atmosphere.

These geckos enjoy eating insects and fruit. You can offer mealworms, thrips, and crickets as food sources to ensure healthy metabolisms. Incorporating veggies and fruit into their diet to ensure they receive all necessary vitamins.

Geckos in their natural habitat tend to be solitary creatures, yet with proper conditions, they can breed. If possible, place both male and female geckos together in one tank along with a breeding box to increase the chances of reproduction.

When breeding crested geckos, it’s essential that a healthy pair is selected and provided the ideal environmental conditions – temperature and humidity levels must remain consistent, as should food to ensure genetic compatibility.

Various varieties of crested geckos, each sporting its particular color and pattern. Different morphs have emerged through generations of selective breeding, with distinct colors or traits being produced, including flame, clown, and tricolor types being popular choices.

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