Are You Making These Fat Loss Mistakes?
Avoid common pitfalls, you can accelerate your progress toward fat loss objectives. I realize this is stating the obvious, but with the proliferation of media such as the internet, television, magazines, and newspapers, many people are unsure how to proceed when trying to shed unwanted pounds. However, if we remember the fundamentals, we can make fat reduction much easier than it otherwise would be.
Here are five frequent blunders that could be derailing your weight-loss efforts.
The first blunder is thinking you must be in the so-called “fat-burning zone” to shed pounds.
Unfortunately, many still subscribe to the outdated notion that exercising slowly and steadily over long periods is the most effective approach to shedding pounds. At moderate to low activity intensities, fat storage is indeed the body’s principal energy source. However, this is the SLOW and BORING kind of workout that none of us like.
One can do BETTER than this…
Interval training, consisting of bursts of high-intensity activity interspersed with slower recovery intervals, has been proven more effective than steady-state exercise at reducing body fat.
Compared to women who did 30–40 minutes of steady-state exercise (low-intensity cardio) three times per week, the women who did 20 minutes of interval training three times per week lost about three times as much fat (Trapp et al., 2008).
Women who participated in the interval exercise program had three times the fat loss in half the time.
If you want to become in shape FAST, ditch the long, plodding workouts and replace them with HIIT training.
Sounds great, right? Less time spent training, better outcomes, and more time with loved ones.
Second blunder: skipping out on resistance (weight) training.
Because its benefits are not well understood, resistance training is typically left out of fat loss plans. Load-bearing exercise is essential for sustaining existing muscle mass and crucial for the health of bones, tendons, and ligaments. Gaining muscle is necessary for rapid and sustained weight loss since it drives your metabolism.
The effects of resistance exercise on metabolic rate and fat loss are well-established in the scientific literature. In a highly regarded European Journal of Applied Physiology study, participants performed a circuit-style resistance training program with no more than ten repetitions per session. Their elevated metabolism lasted an incredible 38 hours after the workout (Schuenke et al., 2002).
That means their post-workout fat-burning continued for more than 48 hours!
Women (and some men) often avoid weight training because they may become too “bulky.” Muscle gain is challenging for both sexes, but the reality is that it is especially difficult for women. Adding some resistance training routines won’t result in unnaturally large muscles.
Exercise without a clear goal in mind is mistake number three.
Have you ever been to a gym and watched people float from one workout to the next without any apparent purpose? It’s a common occurrence, unfortunately. The fact that these guys maintain the same physique monthly, year after year, is hardly coincidental.
Before starting an exercise, it is essential to clearly understand what you will do and what you hope to accomplish.
Your workouts must be appropriately scheduled in advance, not just the ones coming up but the ones in the coming weeks (at least four).
Your planned routines make it easy to track your workout data (sets, reps, exercises, times, etc.). This is the simplest method to see if you are making any headway towards your objectives. Review your past efforts and build on them to get better results from your workouts.
Intensifying your workouts by reducing the time you spend resting in between sets can help you burn fat more quickly while also allowing you to devote more time to other pursuits.
Hence, document every detail. If you don’t keep track of your training history, it’s impossible to get better results.
Maintaining forward momentum is quite inspiring.
The lack of a social network is error number four.
It’s already a tall order to try to trim down and alter your body, but doing so without a solid ‘team’ of people behind you can be nearly impossible.
Losing weight is a challenge, but like any other, it’s easier when you have people you can lean on for moral support. Keep your distance from those who would have you wander from your goals, and get close to those who will cheer you on as you work toward them.
Tell as many people as you feel safe with about your goals. Even total strangers can surprise you with their real encouragement and backing.
And if you can, join forces with someone who shares your objectives so that you may encourage and motivate one another along the way. Knowing that someone is counting on YOU to boost them to work out makes you less likely to skip sessions.
Fifthly, not prioritizing fitness in your busy schedule is a big mistake.
It’s easy to get confused and upset over which program to follow with all the “information” available today about training, fitness, and weight loss. The main barrier to exercise adherence is CONVENIENCE, so once you begin, you want to STAY on track.
If you have to travel a long distance and sit in traffic after a long day of work, you are less likely to go to the gym as often. What are the odds that you will go to the gym regularly if you have a family to care for and have a hard time leaving the house?
You should do your best to find an efficient fitness plan that you can do in the comfort of your own home. If you don’t have support, you won’t have nearly as much success sticking to a program.
You can get a great workout without expensive equipment at home if you choose the right exercises. In fact, with the appropriate routine, you can get a KILLER workout simply by utilizing your body weight and the things around the house (such as chairs, benches, and stairs).
In such a case, let me rephrase my earlier question: “Fat loss mistakes – are you making them?”
Schuenke M.D., R.P. Mikat, and J.M. McBride. Date: March 2015; 86(5):411-7 in the European Journal of Applied Physiology.
2008 research by Trapp, E.G., D.J. Chisholm, J. Freund, and S.H. Boutcher. The International Journal of Obesity (Lond. Apr; 32 (4): 684-91.
Want to learn the proper technique for losing weight?
Now is the time to learn more about the Fat Loss Circuit Home Bodyweight Program by visiting [].
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Human Movement Science is one of Andrew Veprek’s areas of expertise; he has a degree to prove it. He has worked in the field for the better part of 17 years.
He is an authority in circuit training and a specialist in body composition alteration, having assisted people from all walks of life in reducing body fat and achieving a more attractive physique.
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