Are Snake Plants Toxic to Dogs?


Saponins from snake plants cause red blood cells to rupture and disrupt normal cell pathways, leading to gastrointestinal distress and other undesirable outcomes.

To avoid snake plant toxicity in dogs, the best approach is to keep it out of their reach by placing it behind physical barriers or using pet-safe deterrent sprays that emit an unpleasant odor to discourage them from chewing on it.


Snake plants make an eye-catching addition to any home but must remain out of the reach of pets and children. While snake plants are easy to care for and do not require much soil attention, their compounds, like saponins, can cause severe gastrointestinal upset if consumed by your canine friend. In such instances, immediate vet intervention must occur to treat poisoning. Usually, this will include administering fluids for dehydration correction and activated carbon to absorb any residual toxins in their system.

To prevent this from happening, monitor your snake plant regularly for signs of chewing or licking by your pet, and keep the plant out of reach by installing physical barriers such as metal fencing or baby gates. Natural repellents that are safe for pets, like vinegar or citrus juice spray, are another effective means of keeping them away from it.

As soon as your pet begins showing symptoms of snake plant poisoning, it is essential to act quickly. Contacting either your vet or the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center as soon as possible and being prepared with any details they request (i.e., species of plant consumed, amounts eaten, and dates) can help determine if emergency room care needs to be provided immediately.

Common symptoms of snake plant poisoning in your dog include excessive drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea. Your pup’s body attempts to rid itself of the poison through these bodily functions, which may be difficult on its gastrointestinal tract. Also, watch for loss of appetite, weakness, or lethargy as early indicators.

Your dog should typically recover within days if given prompt veterinary attention, significantly if their dehydration doesn’t worsen severely. To ensure the best chance at total health for your pet, ensure they have plenty of fresh water available and closely monitor any changes or worsening of symptoms.

As snake plant toxicity can be expensive to treat, investing in pet health insurance early could provide peace of mind in terms of unexpected medical bills and allow you to focus on healing without incurring excessively high veterinary fees. Doing this allows your pup to return to its usual routine more quickly.


Snake Plants may be popular houseplants, but they’re not safe for dogs to ingest. Their leaves contain saponins, which are toxic to animals if consumed and can lead to severe digestive and oral irritation for your pup. If you suspect your dog has consumed any portion of a Snake Plant, they must visit a veterinarian immediately for medical evaluation.

Your dog’s symptoms will depend on the quantity ingested; if he consumed just a few leaves, his reactions are likely mild-moderate. However, if they consumed a significant amount, their poisoning could become severe and require immediate veterinary assistance.

Dogs exposed to poisons may experience various symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite; others may develop tremors and convulsions. Toxins can also impact heart and respiratory systems by building up fluid build-up, heart failure, and respiratory distress; in rare instances, they can even disrupt gastrointestinal tract linings, leading to ulcers and inflammation in some cases.

If your dog’s mouth and throat become irritated, he may attempt to relieve himself by pawing at their lips or tongue. In more severe instances, however, he could lose appetite and refuse food or water altogether; additionally, he might experience a dry and rough mouth and reduced energy or enthusiasm in participating in his regular activities.

Toxins from Snake Plants can damage your stomach and intestinal tract, leading to vomiting and diarrhea. Furthermore, their toxins may disrupt red blood cell formation in your body, disrupt their usual flow, and disrupt chemical pathways, potentially leading to various health problems, from bloody diarrhea to liver and kidney damage.

In some instances, toxic exposure can damage a pup’s central nervous system, leading to muscle tremors, seizures, coordination problems, and behavioral changes in your dog. If left untreated for too long, symptoms will worsen exponentially, and more time will pass before his recovery begins.

When you bring your dog to a veterinarian, they’ll determine the most effective treatment. They could induce vomiting to remove stomach contents, administer activated charcoal to reduce toxin absorption or give fluid therapy to combat dehydration and avoid further complications. They might prescribe additional medications or treatments depending on your dog’s symptoms; in severe cases, they might even recommend hospitalization to help your pup fully recover. Considering treating snake plant toxicity can be costly, investing in pet health insurance as a preventive step when treating snake plant toxicity costs become prohibitively expensive.


If your dog comes into contact with any part of a snake plant (Sansevieria spp), commonly referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue or good luck plant, he could suffer poisoning. While not as lethal as many other toxic plants, it is essential to see him immediately by a veterinarian for prompt treatment if any exposure occurs; otherwise, full recovery could happen quickly.

First, the veterinarian will ensure any bits of plant matter do not reach his mouth and teeth by flushing his mouth with water, which removes leaves stuck to his gums or teeth. Next, she may induce vomiting to clear his stomach of any remaining plant material or administer activated charcoal to absorb any potential toxins from their system. If signs of dehydration from diarrhea or vomiting persist, fluid therapy using electrolytes could help.

Other symptoms of snake plant toxicity in dogs may include excessive drooling, appetite loss, and general feelings of lethargy or weakness. Some dogs may even experience seizures, which require immediate veterinary assistance.

Snake plant toxicity should be managed through supportive care, typically including anti-nausea medication and diarrhea treatment to flush his system of harmful material. In addition, his veterinarian may provide drugs to address heart palpitation symptoms and monitor his blood pressure and heart rate levels to ensure they do not increase.

Your veterinarian will also treat any other symptoms your dog exhibits as they appear, such as medication to aid sleep or reduce anxiety, fluid therapy for dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea, bloodwork to monitor his fluid status as needed, and more.

Pet owners might be asked to accompany their dog while being treated in hospital for snake plant poisoning to ensure he or she doesn’t consume any more of the plant and cause more poisoning and life-threatening symptoms. Although most likely only available at hospitals, pet owners can contact their vet if they believe their pup needs monitoring at home; often, this is the best way of keeping your dogs safe from accidentally eating too many poisonous plants.