10 Controversial Steps To Take To Lower Your Cancer Risk
I believe that the maxim “everything you eat or drink should be food or water” applies to all aspects of health.
There are a lot of “foods” out there that aren’t food, like the crisps that come in tubes and are all in the same form. Do you know the ones I’m talking about? The potatoes are kept in a dark warehouse where they are treated daily with anti-fungal, anti-rot, and anti-mold chemicals. After being freeze-dried to a powder, they are rehydrated, molded into that gorgeous curve, and then fried, salted, and packaged in tubes. Initially, they are potatoes, which are real food, but by the time they are consumed, they have no nutritional value.
Every stage of food processing devalues the food; real food comes directly from the farmer, the butcher, or the fisherman and is transformed into a meal. To prevent cancer, the first rule is to only eat genuine food and drink water.
Here are ten additional guidelines, some of which may be contentious, shocking, or radical. Nevertheless, they are all definitely worth following. Many of my recommendations deal with subjects with vital vested interests, and it can be challenging to obtain supporting facts. However, like with all of my work, use the information I provide to conduct your study while going further than the obvious candidates to see what you uncover.
Rule 1
Steer clear of aspartame, an artificial sweetener. There is strong evidence from several animal studies connecting aspartame to obesity and the emergence of different types of cancer in other body regions.
Rule 2
Deodorants without aluminum should not be used. A surgeon once informed me many years ago that the upper outer quadrant, or the area next to the armpit, is where most breast cancers are found in the breasts of women who have the disease. He said that it has to do with all the products ladies use on their armpits, such as deodorants and hair removal lotion. Indeed, several investigations have been conducted, and it appears that when researchers have looked for it, they almost always discover aluminum in breast tumors. The safety of Parabens, a class of chemicals used for many years in most deodorants and cosmetic products, has recently come under scrutiny. Parabens are increasingly being detected in tumors and human bodies, just like aluminum has been discovered in breast tumors. However, since the skin is not waterproof, it may be crucial to consider if you would be willing to consume something before applying it to your body.
Rule 3
Get enough sun on your skin; although this is debatable, the sun is healthy for you. The trouble with the sun is that it can burn your skin, which results in burn damage, and, of course, continuously burning your skin can lead to issues. Therefore, getting as much sun as possible without burning your skin is the best advice. Also, remember that tolerance increases as more sun is exposed to your skin without burning, so drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Your body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, and you need a lot of it. Having a lot of vitamin D at first is probably very protective because recent studies have demonstrated that high dosages of the vitamin can treat cancer.
Rule 4
Sunscreens have several issues, not the least of which is the lack of evidence that they lower the incidence of skin cancer. Another major problem is that some of the chemicals in sunscreens have been linked to cancer. Since nanoparticles are tiny and don’t usually occur naturally, our bodies lack the mechanisms to deal with them. Recently, nanoparticles of various minerals have been introduced to sunscreen compositions. Nanoparticles can readily penetrate your skin. What happens next? No research has been done. Thus nobody is aware. Is it a good, terrible, or neutral thing that nanoparticles stay in the body in the tissues, according to some evidence? Again, no one is certain, but I advise erring caution and avoiding the possibility of ingesting nanoparticles of anything.
Rule 5
Eat nothing heated in a microwave. Food that has been microwaved can have several negative impacts. For example, fruits and vegetables include a variety of minerals and vitamins, and microwaves can modify the structure of some vitamins, making them less bioavailable to our bodies. However, the worst thing about microwaved food is that some proteins are denatured, creating chemicals that might cause cancer and end up in the bloodstream.
Rule 6
Has any dental amalgam been removed? Today, a wealth of evidence demonstrates the dangers of mercury leakage from amalgam fillings to your health. What kind of risk, though? The lack of scientific research is due to vested interests. High quantities of mercury are consistently discovered in the cancer victims’ bodies after an investigation by a South American team, but no causal relationship has been proven.
Rule 7
Avoid having teeth with root canals; if you do, get them extracted. It has long been known that teeth with filled root canals are prone to illness. Infected root canal-filled teeth always develop infections sooner or later (typically infected in the first place, which is why the root canal procedure is performed). Still, because the nerve has been severed, pain is rarely felt. The nerve from the root canal is removed as part of the root canal filling therapy because it produces pain. Since the pain indicates something is amiss, removing the nerve silences the signal, but the problem remains. An infection already exists, or inflammation eventually leads to an infection. When an infection takes hold, chemicals are created that slowly seep into the body and cause diseases like cancer.
Rule 8
Eliminate or reduce electro-pollution. Although powerful vested interests claim otherwise, the connection between using a cell phone and developing brain cancer is well documented. In the UK, there is a caution to limit children’s use of mobile phones, while the French government is aiming to outlaw the use of mobile phones in schools. There is little doubt that the electromagnetic fields in the portion of the spectrum used by mobile phones pose a risk. We are exposed to a lot of electromagnetic pollution, which is unhealthy. Add mobile phone base stations, frequently located in college buildings and covertly installed on our streets.
Rule 9
Be selective with your sentiments and thoughts. It is abundantly evident from cutting-edge scientific studies that your genes do not cause cancer; genes do not force anything. The design manual and blueprint are the genes. Your body’s cells work as little factories, receiving instructions that prompt them to produce proteins. The genes send the RNA, which serves as the design blueprint, to the cells, allowing them to have the specific proteins they need. The answer to the crucial question of what prompts a cell to want to make a particular protein is the cell’s environment! Whether it’s a cancer cell, a muscle cell, a hormone, etc., anything that impacts the cell causes it to develop a structure. The food you consume, the poisons and microorganisms around it, the electromagnetic fields surrounding it, and the emotions you experience all impact the cell. Every feeling you experience produces a unique neuropeptide; these neuropeptides circulate through your bloodstream, latch onto your body’s cells, and trigger responses and the production of substances. Choose your thoughts and sentiments carefully since you do not want your cells to produce cancer cells.
Rule 10
Skip the X-rays. X-rays cause cancer because they are a form of radiation. The probability that you may develop cancer increases with the amount of radiation you are exposed to. The half-life of radiation, or how long it lasts before it decays to half its original amount, ranges into hundreds of years, so once you receive a dosage, the dose stays with you. As a result, the radioactive effect on your body lasts practically forever. In particular, no amount is safe.
For more than 20 years, Stephen Macallan has been assisting people in finding solutions to their medical issues, frequently after they had visited doctors’ offices frequently. He is approachable and straightforward to chat with, even about awkward topics. He sees patients in Crewe and London. Call 01270 650 336 to schedule an appointment, or message him on Facebook.
Read also: https://booklysis.com/category/health/